Guidelines for Abstracts
The abstracts you will send to be presented at the International Communication and Art Symposium must have the following guidelines for the pre-evaluation that will take place before the evaluation of the referee committee and must be placed in the template setup. The guidelines for the abstracts are as the following.
- Abstracts should be written in the language in which they will be presented. There is no need for translation into another language for studies to be presented in English.
- Authors wishing to submit Turkish abstracts do not have to include English abstracts in their submissions. Authors who prefer to have the full texts of their papers published in the Symposium Proceedings Book (with ISBN) must add an English abstract to their texts.
- The abstract should be between 150-350 words and contain concise information about the scope, purpose, method, findings, and results of the study in question.
- If the study to be presented is derived/adapted from any postgraduate study or project, it must be reported as a footnote in the abstract submission.
- Abstracts should be written in Times New Romans font with 11 font sizes and justified margins.
- At the bottom of the abstracts, at least 3, at most 7 keywords that cover the index area and content of the study should be added.
- Direct quotations should be avoided as abstracts will be scanned in the plagiarism software.
- Attention should be paid to scientific standards in abstracts, individualizations without a scientific basis should be avoided.
- The end of the abstract can be used for stating the disciplines and sub-disciplines to which the study is related, classifying the symposium papers, and converging the common disciplines. Nonetheless, it is not mandatory to specify a discipline or sub-discipline.
Full-Text Writing Rules
- The unique proceedings to be sent for publication to International Communication and Art Symposium -ILSANS should have a Turkish title at the beginning and an English title just below it. When the article is written in a language other than Turkish, the title in the written language should be added above, and the Turkish title should be added just below it. Article bibliographies should be written in Latin letters. A Turkish and English Abstract of at least 150 and at most 350 words should be written under the headings. Keywords consisting of at least 3 and at most 7 words should be added under the abstract. If the article is written in a language other than Turkish, the abstract and keywords to be written at the top should be in the same language as the text, and the abstract and keywords at the bottom should be in Turkish. The article title should be centered on the page in both languages. Abstract titles and texts should be justified and keywords should be justified on both sides.
- APA standards should be followed for in-text citations in articles. For example (Keskin, 2010: 23) or (Keskin, 2010, p. 23).
- Bibliography at the end of the text should be in APA style. Additionally, the list of citations used in the text should be listed according to the alphabetical order of the surnames of the authors. An author's works published in the same year can be classified as (Keskin, 2017a; Keskin2017b).
- Headers, footers, and page numbers should not be used in the texts.
- Except for the use of certain field-specific terminology, jargon, and symbols, the spelling and spelling rules of the Turkish Language Association should be taken into account in the text.
- The texts should be provided as Microsoft Word files and the .doc extension should be used.
Font: Times New Roman
Font Size: The article title and main headings should be 12 pt, bold, all letters capitalized and justified while sub-titles 12 pt, bold, first letters capitalized, justified, text 12 pt, abstracts 11 pt and footnotes 9 pt.
Paragraph Spacing: 12 pt before – 0 pt after
Paragraph Indent: First Line in the text: 1 cm, hanging in footnotes: 0.4 cm
Line Spacing: 1.5 line spacing in text and abstracts
Full texts should not be less than 2500 words and not more than 10000 words (approximately 8-30 Pages).